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Admissions FAQ

What does it mean to be an Independent School?
Our founders established Topeka Collegiate to be independent in both governance and finance: organized as a not-for-profit corporation, governed by a board of trustees and managed by a head of school, free of government or religious control.

What is Topeka Collegiate’s mission?
Have an independent school option in your community means that you can select a school whose philosophy, values and teaching approach is right for your child. 

Our mission is to prepare students for advanced education, successful careers and responsible citizenship through a commitment to academic excellence and humanitarian ideals.

What makes the faculty and staff different at an Independent School?
The strongest teachers gravitate toward independent schools because they have more autonomy within the classroom. They also know they will have fewer students, empowering them to connect with each student individually and tailor their education.

What is Topeka Collegiate’s parent network like?
Independent schools nurture intellectual curiosity, stimulate personal growth and encourage critical thinking. When families make a personal and financial choice to attend an independent school, they are more likely to be engaged in the school community and families have a shared value of academic excellence.

What does it mean to educate the whole child at Topeka Collegiate?
We treat all children as uniquely gifted and all parents as partners. We understand that children need to be safe, understood and respected. Our curriculum focuses not just on the “Three R’s” but the “Five C’s:” critical thinking, collaboration, communication, character, and creativity.

Being an independent school also provides our faculty with the freedom to provide “Beyond the Book” experiences that enhance students’ comprehension of the curriculum. From service-learning activities to designing their own onsite rainforest, students get engaged and inspired when teachers create opportunities for them to experience what they are studying in the real world.

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